
“It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver”

—Our Centre is Our Patients

Services offered

Exercise Physiologist Kameendran Sivarajah, is a fully Accredited Exercise Physiologist and active member of Exercise Sport Science Australia with additional qualifications in dry needling and massage.

He is passionate about holistic and healthy living with a goal of educating and empowering every client to make healthy lifestyle changes to better manage chronic disease and pain.

Current services provided by him include but not limited to;

Metabolic Services (Chronic Disease Management):
– Consultation focusing on stress, sleep, diet and exercise management for all metabolic diseases.
– Exercise prescription for individuals with hypertension, CAD, T2D, weight loss, cancer, asthma and many more.
– Guided Lifestyle management for individuals with mental illness such as generalised anxiety and depression

Musculoskeletal services:
– Management and treatment of acute pain using soft tissue massage and dry needling.
– Treatment of pain and injuries through corrections of muscular imbalances using active strengthening and passive range of motion techniques.
– Correction of movement patterns using gait analysis and functional movement corrections.
– Balance and strength training exercise programs for elderly population and neurological impairment.

Work cover:
– SIRA (State Insurance Regulatory Authority) accredited exercise physiologist. Able to treat acute and chronic injury patients.

For more informations

(02) 9624 4449

Or Book Online